2012 ANTIGONE One Health Course

First One Health Course Succesful

The first ANTIGONE One Health Course was held in Rotterdam, The Netherlands, from 17 September to 5 October 2012. It attracted 26 participants from the Europe, Asia, Africa, and North America. They came from institutes of veterinary medicine, human medicine, and wildlife biology, and so already by their origin fulfilled the concept of “One Health”. Of the 26 students, eight were from the Netherlands, five were from Spain, four were from Vietnam, two were from the U.K., two were from Italy, and one each were from Belgium, Finland, Ghana, Switzerland, and the U.S.A. As agreed between the three major FP7-funded consortia working on emerging infectious diseases, priority was given to students from within the consortia: ANTIGONE (eleven students), Emperie (six students), and Predemics (four students). In addition, there were five students from outside these consortia. Read more here

 One Health Course Program

The 2012 ANTIGONE One Health Course took place from 17 September to 5 October 2012 in Rotterdam, the Netherlands.

The course was organised by the Erasmus Postgraduate school Molecular Medicine.

Registration was closed in June 2012. Please monitor our website for announcements on the 2013 ANTIGONE One Health course.

Download here the ANTIGONE One Health Course poster for 2012

Please click here for the 2012 ANTIGONE Course Program 2012